School Uniform
School Uniform Policy & Expectations 2024 - 2026
The Governing Body of St Dunstan’s School requires that all pupils wear the prescribed uniform (as detailed below) because we believe that our uniform joins the pupils together and shows that we are one family. School uniform is an equaliser, and as such, all pupils are expected to wear the prescribed school uniform. Our school governors have stipulated some items that must contain our school logo, some are compulsory, and some are optional. Compulsory items are our school sweatshirt, PE t-shirt and polo shirt if worn in the summer. We have minimised the number of compulsory logo items to allow parents more options when sourcing clothing. The table at the end of the document will show compulsory and optional logo elements.
This list is the uniform of the school, and if an item of clothing is not listed, then it is not uniform and should not be worn.
By seeking admission or by sending your child to St Dunstan’s Catholic School you are also agreeing to support the policies of the school including adherence to the prescribed uniform code.
Where to buy St Dunstan’s uniform with an embroidered logo?
- Clive Mark in Kings Heath, Poplar Road, Birmingham, B14 7AD
- My Clothing, part of Tesco Direct. Search for our school by postcode B14 7LP
- School Uniform Direct
Most uniform staples, as mentioned above, can be purchased at George at Asda, Tesco's, Next and Sainsbury’s etc.
Boys Years 1 to 6
- Grey trousers
- Hard collar white shirt (short or long sleeves) with school tie
- Maroon V-neck sweatshirt with embroidered logo
- Maroon and white school tie (Years 1 and 2: elastic; Years 3 – 6 traditional ties)
Girls: Years 1 – 6
- Grey skirt or tailored trousers. Cycling shorts and skorts are not permitted.
- Grey pinafore dress (Years 1 and 2 only) Playsuits are not permitted.
- Hard collar white shirt (short or long sleeves) with school tie
- Maroon V-neck sweatshirt or cardigan with embroidered logo
- Maroon school tie (Years 1 and 2: elastic; Years 3 – 6 traditional ties)
- Black or grey tights optional (no colours or patterns)
Reception: Boys and Girls (Uniform is optional for nursery children)
- Grey skirt or tailored trousers with elasticated waist
- Grey pinafore dress
- White polo shirt
- Maroon V-neck sweatshirt with embroidered logo
- Black shoes (must be slip-on or Velcro fastening)
PE Kit (Please remember that PE is a compulsory part of the National Curriculum).
- White round neck t-shirt (with school logo)
- Plain maroon PE shorts
- Black PE pumps slip-on or Velcro strap
- Plain black tracksuit bottoms (optional for outdoor PE only, during the winter)
Forgotten PE Kit Pupils who fail to bring in the correct P.E. kit or forget their P.E. kit will be required to borrow spare school kit.
Summer Uniform This is optional from after Easter until the end of July).
Boys as above, except boys, can wear
- Grey tailored school shorts
- White polo shirt with embroidered school logo
Girls as above, except girls, can wear
- Red/maroon full gingham school dress (no skorts)
- Grey tailored school shorts
- White polo shirt with embroidered school logo
Injuries and Illness
All pupils must have the correct P.E. kit in school even if they are not going to be actively involved as a performer. If a pupil is injured or unwell, a signed note from the parent must be provided to the teacher. Pupils who are excused will still need to change into their P.E. Kit as they will be involved in the lesson through the role of coach, umpire/referee or leader. It is our expectation that if your child is well enough to come to school, they are well enough to take part in P.E.
Although P.E. is timetabled each week, there will be occasions when a lesson has to be switched, or an additional opportunity for P.E. presents itself. It is essential, therefore, that P.E. kits are in school every day.
- All shoes must be plain black with a covered toe (for health and safety reasons).
- Boots, trainers, sports shoes or heels are not permitted.
Additional Equipment and Information
- Maroon School Reading Book Bag is required for all children in Nursery, Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 4 Pupils do not need another bag.
- Rucksacks are not allowed in these classes – these are too large to store safely, your child will be asked to keep them at home. Pupils in Year 5 and 6 may have either a School Reading Book Bag or a Rucksack.
- Every child should have a drawstring bag suitable for holding his/her PE kit in school at all times.
- A maroon, black or white plain cap is worn on school visits and during the school day in hot weather (we do not allow fashion caps or football team caps).
Hair Style Rules
No extreme/fashion haircuts are allowed for boys or girls
- During term time, fashion hairstyles, which include shaved, dyed, tramlines, undercut or Mohawks, are not permitted. If the headteacher deems the haircut to be extreme, you will be asked to correct it at the hairdresser/barber – please note that this is not a matter for debate, appropriate hairstyles are part of the agreed uniform policy and, as such, parents are required to support the school in applying that policy.
- Long hair must be worn in a plait, bun or ponytail/s at all times to minimise exposure to head lice (hair ties and bows in maroon, black or white – no fashion hair bows except on theme days or non-uniform days) – please note that hair rules apply equally to boys and girls
- Pupils are not allowed to colour their hair during term time and any colours added for fun etc. must be gone before pupils return to school.
Jewellery Rules
No jewellery allowed, including earrings (no studs and no earring retainers)
- KS2 children may wear a watch (but not a ‘smart’ watch with internet connectivity), teachers cannot be responsible for minding them.
- Please ensure that children's ears are pierced in the summer holidays to allow enough time for the hole to remain open without retainers.
- Pupils that wear earrings to school will be asked to remove them. If this is not possible, parents/carers will be telephoned and asked to come and remove them.
Make-Up Rules
No nail polish or make-up is allowed.
- Pupils arriving wearing make-up or nail polish will be asked to remove it and will be provided with materials to do so.
Where to buy St Dunstan’s uniform with an embroidered logo?
- Clive Mark in Kings Heath, Poplar road, Birmingham, B14 7AD
- My Clothing, part of Tesco Direct. Search for our school by postcode B14 7LP
- School Uniform Direct
Most uniform staples, as mentioned above, can be purchased at George at Asda, Tesco's, Next and Sainsbury’s etc.

Pre-Loved Uniform
Each year we have opportunities throughout the year for donated and second hand uniform to be shared with parents (we will advise you of this in school newsletters). At the end of each term, we send pre-loved uniform looking for a new home to the Rubery Uniform Swop Shop ( if parents want to be more sustainable and get some perfectly good, second hand logo uniform items.
Families do not have to take an item to swop - you can just request items you need for free, that includes wellies, trainers, coats etc... See Uniform Swap Shop Flyer